First Day of Chemo

“Just back from my 1st Chemo day. And what a wonder it was! So easy. I tolerated all the medications, never felt the least bit sick and even figured out how to gather up all my tubes, grab the wheeled tower where all the tubes were hanging and make my way down the hall to the bathroom. Five hours of drip + me drinking all that crap that Beth makes me drink  🙂  equals a LOT of bathroom activity!

While I was there I had a good visit with the Doctor, indicated that I’d need another Tap by the end of the week – and we were going to be in Burlington on Friday to meet the Gyno Oncologist (surgeon), so why not do it then?  And before long he had managed to get me squeezed into the schedule at Fletcher Allen Hosp. for a Tap at 1 p.m. Friday. Good man!  Between the 9:15 a.m. Gyno Onc appt. and the 1 p.m. Tap, I am going to a place in Williston named ‘Appearances’ at 11:30 to chat about what to do when my hair falls out, or before.  So Friday is an event packed day. Hope the nausea drugs & other feel-good things haven’t worn off by then.

At 3:00 I sallied out of the Oncology office with Craig, joined Ballew in the car and drove home – only to find a great wood sign hanging on the back door:

I love it! Feel like I should give it the Black Power salute or something.



Then we went through the door and there were FLOWERS in the kitchen (“Thank you” Dave & Danielle!).

Now that’s what I call a Welcome Home! Thank you all so much….and who am I thanking for that sign???

So now, I think I’ll take a nap. Love to you and thank you for your prayers and love. It means everything to both myself and Craig. Even Ballew is enjoying the love….. tho he doesn’t approve of the sign tapping on the glass with the breeze moves it.

Love, Tammi”

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5 Responses to First Day of Chemo

  1. Cindy says:

    Tammi, Dale and I could not have hoped for a better first day report! Thank you, and thank heavens…. Could it be weird to say that Friday almost sounds like fun? Hope it is, a little, anyway. Love to you and Craig, Cindy

  2. Rose & Allen says:

    Hey we are cheering you from the sidelines….next door….anyways! So happy to read about an optimistic first day. I look forward to the new hair do! I hope Ballew will recognize you….better have a biscuit in you hand for reassurance. LOVE the sign!
    xo R

  3. Rose & Allen says:

    Hey we are cheering you from the sidelines….next door….anyways! So happy to read about an optimistic first day. I look forward to the new hair do! I hope Ballew will recognize you….better have a biscuit in you hand for reassurance. LOVE the porch sign!
    xo R

  4. Hershel says:

    Fine details! I have been trying to find something such as this for some time now. Appreciation!

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