We have a logo!

I’d like to thank the artist “eviscerates” at CreateMyTattoo.com, who took my description of the Girl Parts Gone Bad, and came up with this gem.  My description:

We’ve just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and we’re ready for the fight.  Instead of a website for “Caring for Anne” or anything soft like that, we’ve got Girl Parts Gone Bad.com to track her progress through both traditional and alternative cancer treatments.  We need a logo (which might end up a tattoo someday, who knows?).  It’s a spoof on “Girls Gone Wild” and brings up images of a tattooed uterus with the fallopian tubes as hands, one holding a bottle of Jack Daniels, and the other one flipping the bird.  But since some of the family will want something less rebellious, perhaps not quite.  We also thought (again, thinking of Girls Gone Wild) of using those black censor bars strategically.  But that’s as far as we’ve got.

For folks like me, with absolutely no artistic ability, this site is a great find.  Carm and a friend came up with the idea years ago, but not being a tattoo girl myself, I’d never had the need for the services.  I got this note from the artist at the end, and it makes me happy to share it with you here.

this contest was fun! sounds so wrong to say that, considering the reason why you guys needed this contest in the first place… but i’m glad i could help you all design something. i uploaded the stencil in case someday it does become a tattoo! take care! ~ e

So watch for her to show up in different places around the site.

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3 Responses to We have a logo!

  1. Anne Goddard says:

    Speaking as the Victim here, I gotta say, I LOVE IT!
    BRILLIANT! Puts me in the fighting mood. (and I really like those blue/green eyes)

  2. cristina says:

    wild logo. couldn’t help but notice it right away seeing as it’s right on top there! i like the spirit as well.

    ok, i have a technical question – on the upper right, there is a clickable “care to subscribe?” except that when you click on it, it goes nowhere. is that broken or just not ready yet? thanks 🙂

    and tammi, i’m so glad that things are going well under the circumstances. the gone bloated feeling must be a relief! keep up the good work!

    • Beth says:

      I am new to the whole RSS feed thingy. It works for me, but you’re not the first who has wondered about it. Did you click the actual orange dot? I get a second screen…

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