Round #1, Chemo #5 – Looks Like We Made It

(Every once in a while strange thoughts pop through the ol’ bean, like: “Hmmm, I wonder, if I always included a Barry Manilow song title in my posts…would anyone even notice?” Ah, but that’s for another day.)

Because we DID make it!  Well, Tammi did at least.  Today’s chemo treatment was a little iffy, depending on how her blood numbers looked, and how she was feeling in general.  (There are 3 pivotal numbers: White blood cells, platelets, and neutrophils.  They’ve all been steadily going downward (as expected), but only the neutrophils are lower than the preferred-for-chemo number.  So Tammi had her 5th chemo treatment today — the half way mark!)

Also of interest (to those keeping score at home, of course) is the most recent CA125 test number.  (This is the indicator for ovarian cancer, although it’s not 100% conclusive.  Any number over 35 is indicative of ovarian cancer.  The lower the better.)

Anyhow: some new and interesting numbers to digest:

CA 125 Test Results
1/19/2012:   65
2/22/2012    40 

I call it progress.  Anyone else? 🙂

As far as the rest of this week, Tammi says:

Since my immune system is down, I might actually stay home from work ’til….Thursday. Work from home instead, and not too much of that. Have another professional foot massage tomorrow – oh JOY, oh RAPTURE, oh DE-LIGHT! – with Katerine Windham, may her name be forever said with reverence!

So there’s THAT!  🙂


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13 Responses to Round #1, Chemo #5 – Looks Like We Made It

  1. Mika says:

    Good numbers and a foot massage. I like it! I also love the pictures.

  2. cristina says:

    i checked on the numbers last night, too, and they were looking good, as is the CA-125. ok, rest up. don’t let anyone cough on you. good idea to stay home. wash EVERYTHING thoroughly. the last thing you need right now is to come down with someone else’s bug! way to go, tammi girl. proud of you 🙂 proud of craig, too!

    • Anne Goddard says:

      Yeh, Craig deserves a medal! Who knew he had this in him back in ’82 when what I was really noticing were his looks!?

  3. Anne Goddard says:

    But I’m wondering, Beth, why Barry Manalow when you always favored Rod Stewart?

  4. Paula Sperry says:

    Your numbers are sounding very good, Tammi. I am so pleased to hear it. Please know that although I don’t comment often, I read every update and think of you often.

  5. Joan H. says:

    You’re on our minds too, Tammi, and in our prayers. Happy that you’re getting along so well. Consider yourself hugged. /j

  6. Ginny Spadaccini says:

    You look great in anything. And you thought only your own hair or wig would do. Great numbers !

  7. Ginny Sinkoski says:

    Yay, Tammi! Good work ! Enjoy your foot massage!
    It is snowing here!
    Love, Ginny and Richie

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