Drum roll, please!

Yes, the moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived.  Actual, measurable, irrefutable GOOD NEWS!

Tammi got her CA-125 test results back today.  For those of you who need a small history lesson, the CA-125 test measures an indicator of ovarian cancer, anything under “35” being non-indicative of cancer.  Her initial score (Jan 19) was “65”.  Her last reading (Feb 22) was “40”.

Today (Apr 13), we got her current score:  “8”

That’s right—EIGHT.  To say that we are pleased would be the height of understatement.

Everyone, raise a glass—To Tammi!

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20 Responses to Drum roll, please!

  1. Tammi says:

    Craig and I will DEFINITELY be lifting a glass tonight!

  2. Beth says:

    (I’m doin’ a little dance right now, even though you can’t see!!!!)


  3. Paula Sperry says:

    8 is my favorite number right now! What amazing news! So happy to hear this…

  4. Matt & Laurie says:

    Hooray! great news. We’re so happy for you both.

    Matt & Laurie

    • Tammi says:

      You guys are following this! Wow! Great to know you are following my progress. I promise to keep up the good work.

  5. Cindy says:

    We are so happy for you!! For all of us! Amazing news…..

  6. Cindy says:

    WOW! Dale says. Cindy is speechless….. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Tammi says:

      Craig and I are celebrating today by getting the house ready for spring. By 10 a.m. I had finished switching the winter clothers out of the closet and drawers and pulled out the summer clothes and storing them. All this while Craig vacuumed. Then he started taking off the storm windows while I retrieved the screens. Had to pause while Steve Webber delivered a cord of firewood but now the window work has resumed. All the seedlings are watered and out for the day + they can stay out overnight because there is no frost in the forecast for the next week. We’ll both need a nap by noon!
      Great way to celebrate the good number!

  7. Joan & Bob says:

    Amen! Amen!

    After a very crazy week here, I just checked in and discovered all this spectacular news! Congratulations, Tammi & Craig, on all fronts. And we most definitely will tip a glass to you tonight! And welcome to AARP land, Tam. You’re gonna love it, you Party Girl, You!

  8. Ginny S. says:

    What great news!!! So happy for you both!!! We toasted a couple of Pinot Grigio’s to you in celebration!

  9. cristina says:

    tom and i (and consuelo) are very happy to hear this news! our cup runneth over 🙂 we will celebrate, too!

  10. Mary Meijaard says:

    Have not been able to check your site for a couple of days and now…..what a great news Tam. So happy for you both. All this hard work with the chemo has paid off. So glad for you. Also very glad for you that you are in a position to be able to quit work. Must be a strange idea after so many years, but you are right to go and travel and enjoy boating.
    Hope you will keep us up to date on the 18th of April.
    Lots of love, René and Mary

  11. Ellen & Hugh Armstrong says:

    Wonderful News, this is great!!!!
    Welcome to Retirement!!
    Ellen & Hugh

  12. Ellen & Hugh Armstrong says:

    Wonderful News, 8 eight octo, any way it is great!! Happy retirement. Good Luck in the weeks to come.
    Ellen & Hugh

  13. Sally Bell says:

    April 25…I will be praying mightily on that day and all the days between now and then and the days thereafter. Love you, Tammi, and I am looking forward to spending time with you when we get back to Vermont the end of May. Hugs to you and Craig!

  14. craig and Donnna Lewis says:

    Fantastic news! Lets get that boat ready!

  15. Jim & Mim McCrea says:

    Tammi & Craig —

    What wonderful test results. We are thrilled for you on them and on the upcoming retirement. Both are causes for serious celebration. Good luck with the upcoming meeting with the Dr.

    Jim & Mim

  16. Susan Gulrajani says:

    Soooooooo happy for you Tammi!!!!!
    Craig must be so relieved

  17. Barb Pratt says:

    Wow what great news. Our prayers are listened to and answered when we need it the most. So great to chat the other day. Call if you need help with what ever. Barb

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