Results of the CT scan

I meant to post yesterday (sorry, Mika!), but life got busy.  But the CT scan results continue to be positive news.

Craig says: “I thought yesterday’s CT was as good as it could have been. Thank all of you for your prayers. Two separate CT scans were done—one of the abdomen and one of the chest. The effusion in the right lung is not seen, which is great news.  Doctor Everett said she does not expect a lot of bleeding during surgery but said Tam’s tank is empty right now and ordered a transfusion tomorrow.  She also expects it [the transfusion] to shorten the time to when we can resume chemotherapy after surgery (4-6 weeks).”  Basically, the known cancer sites are all reduced in size, and the shadow on the lung is gone.  Bottom line, the disease is NOT “progressing” and seems to have been responsive to the chemo and other complementary treatments.  Surgery is scheduled for Wed, April 25th at 7:30am.

I did talk to Tammi this afternoon after the transfusion, and she says she feels great and the annoying vertigo she’d had seems to be gone.  Go Transfusion!

(And in other news, today was Tammi’s last day at work! She is officially retired now.   If you have a minute, feel free to send your congratulations.)


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3 Responses to Results of the CT scan

  1. Mika says:

    That is wonderful news! Thanks for posting.

  2. Sally Bell says:

    Congratulations on your retirement, Tammi! CBBBRE is surely going to miss you. I will be thinking of and praying for you. God bless, keep and heal you.

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