Oooops! Chemo #17 (of 18)

Reported for Chemo #17 (of 18) on Wednesday and saw Dr. Unger for the 1st time in several weeks. My blood counts had dropped some but I was good to go for this chemo treatment.

As my doctor read through my file, however, his eyebrows lifted. “What’s this about you skipping Chemo #15?”, he asked. “You don’t get to SKIP chemos!” – all this while Craig and I hastened to assure him that it hadn’t been OUR idea – just something announced by the substitute Doc. he had assigned me during his vacation.

The upshot of all this is, I am not done with chemotherapy next week πŸ™
Instead this is how my calendar looks now:

Wednesday, July 18th – Chemo #18 (Taxol only)
Friday, July 20thΒ  end of treatment CT Scan
Wednesday, July 24 – Chemo #15 (Taxol only) and discussion of CT Scan Results with Dr. Unger.
Wednesday, August 1 – Meeting with Dr. Everett for Surgeon’s End of Treatment visit

And somewhere in there I’ll be having a new CA-125 test

And then……and then – we’re done!

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4 Responses to Oooops! Chemo #17 (of 18)

  1. Mary says:

    Hmmm, one doctor has a different opinion about the chemo’s than the other, that is NOT what you want to hear, is it.
    Anyhow, hope to read here that on August 1st, you will be all done with the treatment and the three of us here, we’ll toast to that πŸ™‚

  2. cristina says:

    you know, i wondered about the skipped chemo, too. would be curious about the rationale for that. in any case, you’ve gotten this far, what is one more? just FINISH it and be done, right? i am sorry that i have not been keeping up with your blog – between guests (the two mikes), TONS of work (at least i have two full-time jobs when some have none, right? sigh.), and the drama that occurred saturday night (check the pics on FB – someone hit my boat – i didn’t even have to react because carmen flew at the guy and chewed him out enough for both of us) and tom being away to the vineyard during all of this…. anyway, august is two weeks away and then you will be FREE. you certainly deserve it! ok, gotta run – work ugh….

  3. Ginny & Rich says:

    Hi Tammi! Hi Craig!
    I have been remiss about staying in touch! Sounds like your chemo treatments are almost over! Keep up the great work!
    Glad you had a nice time at your retirement party and also at Lake Champlain!
    We have been hunkering down inside the house for the past few days close to the air-conditioner! Take care!

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