End of Treatment – details & celebrating

OK, here are the details of various tests taken at the end of this 7 month treatment:

  • My CA-125 test has dropped to <6.  Last time it was 8, before that 42 and I believe the initial reading was 65. This is not a definative test for Ovarian Cancer, but it’s what they have and my results are VERY NICE.
  • The bloodwork taken just before treatment wasn’t very good, but it was good enough for treatment. I was given a shot of Neulasta at the end of the treatment to give my White Blood Cells a big boost. I had this shot at the end of my 1st 9 Chemos and the  results were impressive.  My white blood cells came in at 2.3; Red blood cells at 2.36, Platelets at 77 and the good ol’ Neutracels bottomed out 0.5. Next week I’ll take these blood tests again to see how my body is improving. Doc. says my numbers have to improve before he OKs us to head out into the Wide Blue Yander on Cloud Nine.
  • Last, and far from least, are the results from my CT Scan, taken on July 20. This is an Xray taken of my chest and abdomin. I can expect to have this test taken at regular intervals (perhaps every three months) for the next year.  My results this time are encouraging. ‘No convincing metastatic disease identified.’  There were a couple of places to watch in the future but I see no need describing these right now. Let’s just see if they are still around the next time I get a CT Scan.


So – let the celebrating begin! Judy and Rene joined us for dinner on our deck and we broke out the bubbly! Great 1st night of celebration.

If you haven’t seen me for awhile, you might study my face & hair here. People I know have recently passed me around town without recognizing me – so look HARD! I’m still here, just suddenly very gray haired – and not much of  it! My wig now looks completely out of date.


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27 Responses to End of Treatment – details & celebrating

  1. Judy Hueber says:

    Tam, the smile is still the same…you look great!

  2. Peggy Burns says:

    Tammi, what wonderful news!!!! I’m lifting a glass to you right now in spirit!

    Hugs, Peggy

  3. Rose says:

    What most excellent news!
    Did you tell your blood counts that they get to go on vacation if they behave?
    We plan to start mowing your lawn soon!
    Love & hugs ~ R&A

  4. cristina says:

    you looked too young for your age anyway LOL…. just kidding!!!!!!! it’s wonderful news, tammi. looking forward to seeing you both in the fall 🙂

  5. bev says:

    Happy, happy news. I am more than a little glad for you. Hope that next blood test shows the trip is a GO!
    Love you,

  6. Anita Goddard says:


    What wonderful news! I think you look terrific – your beautiful smile hasn’t changed and as for the grey hair, we’re all getting there!


  7. Joan & Bob says:

    Hi Tammi,

    That all sounds like very good news, and we’re definitely tipping one to you tonight! You look great to me, and I think when they let you go cruising, you’ll look even better, with an even bigger smile!

    Love ya.

  8. Jackie Beacham says:

    Good to hear from you. I think you look great. I know you are anxious to get out of here so hope the tests and doctors OK come soon. Send us details of your trip as you go along.
    Jackie and Jerry

  9. Judy Sperry says:

    So enjoyed our celebration last night. You have come through all this with such grace and a great attitude.

  10. Peter Brown says:

    Fantastic. I know your numbers will improve and Cloud Nine will offer you a great reward for all of this hassle. KEEP IT UP

  11. Janice Broquet-Pope says:

    Dear Anne,
    You look fantastic and the smile looks the same as I remember from many years ago. Maybe even a little bigger smile. Love it. So happy to hear of your great progress and looking forward to some more of those beautiful pictures you take out on Cloud Nine. The Lord Bless you. He is soooooo good.
    Love you

  12. Bonnie Gridley says:

    Doesn’t even look like you needed the blush- beautiful shines through All you do!!!Will keep you both in our thoughts and prayers! Hope that trip is just around the corner!!!
    Love, Bonnie

  13. Donna and Craig Lewis says:

    Great news…your smile says it all…and if you wear your Cleo look, everyone will just think that you’ve gone blonde, lol…thanks for the update and let us know when you’re on the lake again!

  14. Matt & Laurie says:

    Tammi, we are so happy to hear the latest news! I can’t tell you how often we have been thinking of you and praying for good results. We look forward to seeing you soon out on the “wild blue”

  15. Bob and Pat Horne says:

    Woohoo!! The good news continues for you (and Craig, too)! May your trip to the northwest be glorious and unencumbered by ANY worries.

    Much love, P & B

  16. Peter Platt says:

    Congratulations Tammi! Your attitude through it all has been an inspiration for the rest of us. Hair’s overrated anyway. I got rid of mine years ago!

    We’ll keep the good karma heading your way for those upcoming tests.

    Pete & Sean

  17. Nancy Foster says:

    You look great and I am so happy to hear that you have come through all this so well. I hope you and Craig have a great vacation. After all you have been through, you both need it! Love, Nancy

  18. Sarah Ingersoll says:

    Tammi – you are a wonder! Up on Lake Temagami, we are thinking of you and so relieved to read the positive report. I’m sure your vegetable garden is flourishing with the this summer’s sun and heat. Best to you, Craig (and Ballou!) from all of us – Sarah, Bruce, Nathalie and Amelia.

  19. archie says:

    this is archie, remember me? tim sent along your GREAT news. I have had a couple of rounds of cancer as well………we are survivors!! CONGRATULATIONS!

  20. Sally Bell says:

    I think you look wonderful, Tam! It was so nice to spend time with you and Craig yesterday. You have a private, secluded little paradise there…so peaceful and pretty!

    I’ll add my name to all the other folks who are hoping your vacation comes off just as you’ve planned it.

  21. Micky DiMartino says:

    so happy to read the good news! You are one tough cookie Tammi!

  22. Henry Wells says:

    God is awesome…and so are you, Tammi. Beauty is not in the hair. It’s in the spirit!
    …and you are simply beautiful!!!

  23. Jay Hansen says:

    Tammi — Beth forwarded the link to your blog to me. I’m happy for you and Craig that you’ve got good news and an optimistic report.

  24. Carol Haraden says:

    This is just fantastic news, Tammi, and thanks so much for sharing it. Your spirit and strength are truly and honestly an inspiration. I’ll add prayers for the blood counts and vacation plans!

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