And so it begins

When a doctor says “cancer”, the snowball starts rolling pretty fast.  New doctors, new terms, even new body parts!  And everyone wants to know what’s happening, needs to know what’s happening, and wants to help.  It’s difficult to know if a phone call, email or other is welcomed or not.  And while they’re all welcomed right now, as the snowball continues to roll, other options need to be available.

How to keep everyone updated? Email chains are cumbersome, at best.  CaringBridge, while already established, requires a log-in and uses ultra-sensitive phrases like “You will be able to more fully participate in your loved one’s CaringBridge experience.”  Gak!  It’s a little thick over there at times.

So Tammi wrote to nephew Dave:

Hey there, Just thinking during my daily walk from the office down to the Post Office….
I need some kind of group website thing set up so folks can read updates about my  ‘progress’.

Can’t imagine what the title would be…?

…and after a few truly inappropriate suggested titles (!), Danielle finally popped up with “Girl Parts Gone Bad”.  A blend of Girls Gone Wild and When Good Things Go Bad.  The image that pops in my head involves a tattooed uterus with the fallopian tubes as hands, one holding a bottle of Jack Daniels, and the other one flippin’ the bird. Girl parts gone bad, indeed!

Tammi’s response:

Love it!  Wish I could think of a frisky photo of me to include…I’ll keep thinking on that. Yep, Danielle hit it out of the park!

So we’re in business, folks!  Craig and I will be doing most of the posting, but we welcome questions, thoughts, comments and any form of support you’re able to offer.  As needs arise, we’ll post them here, too.  Thank you all!

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2 Responses to And so it begins


    Hello Anne,
    Sorry, but I was just going through all my emails and came across yours.
    I feel like your older sister since I’ve known you for so long. Since you were born is such a long time. I feel so bad to think of what you are going through but, God is good and our lives are in His hands. We have the best of two worlds no matter what way our lives turn. It’s just what we have to go through in between. I pray that you will get relief with your treatments without too much pain or having to go through too much junk. They’ve come through with so many new things for cancer that life can soon go on for many years to come still doing all the good things you enjoy. You are strong and have a great outlook and that is all in your favor. We’ll keep you in our prayers that God will give you strenth during the harder times till your feeling more back to normal.
    Love you Anne, take good care.


    Just thought of something else.
    Is your hair long enough to have it cut off so it can be made into a wig. My granddaughter has beautiful strawberry blond hair that she is growing out for the 3rd time to end up having it cut and given to Locks of Love.
    Tell your granddaughter, thank you for the website and love the name. Will look forward to watching your progress.
    Love you

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