The Bloat is GONE!

Hey there fans….I’ve got progress to report. Remember those weekly ‘Taps’?  Once a week with belly immediately starting to re-fill? Well…. the most recent Tap was that memorable 3rd one, same day as the wig. And that all happened a week ago yesterday, Feb. 3. And guess what? I haven’t re-filled. Belly as flat as a pancake! Decided to get crazy today and try putting on regular pants – not my ever-loving knit ones with the wide, comfortable elastic waistband.   🙂 Magic! They fit. I’m completely comfortable. I’M IN HEAVEN!

And I feel good too…..  do I hear a cheer out there???

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8 Responses to The Bloat is GONE!

  1. Mary Meijaard says:

    YEEEEEAAAAAAHHHHHH!!! That sounds great Tammi.
    So good to hear that.
    Have a good weekend (lots of people have been skating on “het Spaarne” today).
    I don’t skate anymore but it was a lovely day here.
    Love, Mary

    • Anne Goddard says:

      Mary & Anita,
      Wow, sure wish I could see the skating! Holland with frozen canals….just imagine.

  2. Bev says:

    Hip, Hip, Hooray! (Does anyone say that anymore?)
    I am so glad to hear of the progress the chemo is making! Enjoy your weekend. I hope it is as bright and sunny in VT as here. Gloria calls the sunshine “solar power” because we always seem to have more energy when the sun is bright.
    Love you….

  3. Paula Sperry says:

    Yay, Tammi! So glad to hear you are feeling well. I am keeping apprised of your journey through this awesome website. I am thinking of you…

    • Anne Goddard says:

      Thank you Paula,
      Just had a scrumpous dinner at your Mother’s house! Oh, the food just tasted SO good to me. Haven’t gotten that much food down… for a couple of weeks, I’d guess. Guess without the bloat my tummy has room to float!

  4. Anita Smeets says:

    Hi Tammi, great news! Super, hold on to that.
    Yesterday we went into town and saw all the skaters on our little canals, amazing!
    Thousands were on the ice, made some great pictures.
    Hope you and Craig have a good day today.
    Thanks for the update and hear you later.

    love, Anita

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