What a Weekend! – Craig’s B-day, continued

Actually, Saturday night isn’t complete without a photo of the after-party hot tubbing.   Folks limped out of bed gradually come Sunday morning. Craig and I had talked about going to church, perhaps with Bev and Danielle – but soon realized that getting everybody up and out the door for our 1 p.m. lunch date at Fire and Ice Restaurant was going to be ambitious enough. What a good time we were having at home though – I’ll throw in a few photos.










Fire and Ice was just the right place to merge the Thompson and Goddard halves of our family.

With Paris greeting us as we entered and all the family photos on the walls, there was so much to look at for my family that it awhile to corral us into our seats. Then there were the choices of what to eat! I found myself suddenly starving for the rice pilaf I spotted on the buffet. Loaded up my plate with that and salmon and a selection of other things and I was set. I don’t remember what Paris called the area I wanted to sit in, but it is up above the bar where we used to have the stage and live entertainment. Richie Havens played there and… oh, what’s his name..? It is a real cozy spot and I love it up there. Beth and Dave needed to leave for home at a decent hour, so we tried not to get too distracted taking photos and exploring the rest of the restaurant, but the time just flew.






Craig disappeared for awhile and when he returned he had strange look on his face. Seems our bill had already been covered. The long arms of Dale, Cindy, Paris, Mira & Patrick had reached out from the Keys of Florida and taken care of that. Thank you guys! That felt like the ultimate family hug to us.


Then home for a rest, re-grouping with a smaller family unit and then out the door to a Panther Hockey game against Amherst. Bev, Dave and Danielle turned out to be hockey fans. Who knew? Red Wings fans, of course, but I had no idea they followed hockey.

Middlebury really fought #1 Amherst. Scored first and held on the the lead for long enough that we were feeling pretty good. Come the 3rd period, however, things started going Amherst’s way. 






I was on my feet in the last minute as we battled to tie the game – only to have the bell ring us down. I couldn’t believe it!



BUT we get the quarter final game against Williams this coming Saturday, so our hockey season isn’t over quite yet!

Sunday evening was living room time with talk, talk and more talk. We just couldn’t seem to call it a night – even though Bev, Dave & Danielle had that huge drive back to Detroit in the morning. Went to bed late. Slept like a child. What a weekend!!!
So hard to let that car drive out of our driveway, back to Detroit!

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2 Responses to What a Weekend! – Craig’s B-day, continued

  1. Bev says:

    What a lovely way to remember a great weekend with you. Thanks for writing it all up. We did have a good time, didn’t we?

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