A Visit from Hardwick!

Just imagine our pleasure when friends drove all the way up from Hardwick to spend Sunday with us! Previous to John and Linda’s arrival I had been having a low-energy, low appetite couple of days. Wondered if my red blood cell count had dropped or something, cause I just had no bounce.

Then the knock on the door, “They’re here!”, say’s Craig and the day turned bright. We settled in around the dining table with the sun pouring in the windows and talked and talked and talked.Broke just long enough to order out from the new Thai place downtown and then dove into the delicious offerings like we hadn’t eaten for weeks (at least I ate like that. Everything tasted SO GOOD!) What can I say? A visit from friends beats all the medicine in the world. My energy is back up, my appetite is raring to go – I think I’m even ready for Chemo #5 tomorrow.

That’s right: Hopefully my bloodwork will be good and we can cross the half-way point in my 9 rounds of chemo before surgery. Keep your fingers crossed for me!

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7 Responses to A Visit from Hardwick!

  1. Cindy says:

    Tammi, With our family here, I haven’t kept up very well on the news. Finally got a break today, and I was so happy to John and Linda’s faces on your post. They are good people, and surrounding yourself with good people is key, as you know. We are all sending a hug from the sunny south, so glad to see your smile. That’s the best! Love, Cindy, Dale and family

  2. Mika says:

    You look wonderful! Great that you’re connecting with friends.

  3. cristina says:

    i love the adorable beaded thing on your head! and you are glowing in these photos 🙂 i wish i could visit you….. good luck with #5!

  4. Rose & Allen says:

    I’m just wondering, have you lost your hair? I have a nice hand knitted cap for you that will match the color of your eyes. I didn’t want to bring it over prematurely.

    • Anne Goddard says:

      Premature it is not. Why you think I’m wearing that do-rag in the photo?
      The hair, what there is of it, has gone into hiding. I’m about to start an ‘Ode to my Hair”. Now definitely need to play up the eyes and can hardly wait to see what you have whipped up!

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