Ode to My Hair

Oh, hair, lovely hair, you’ve been with me through thick and through thin
You’ve been a constant presence on my head, a true friend you’ve been.

Dark and thick, you appeared on my head shortly after birth
And have been with me ever since, showing your worth.

You put up with barrettes and clips and brushings and took it so well,



And you rather liked it when you got braided into pigtails, I could tell.







You framed my face for pictures and curled up beautifully at the ends


Your thickness, color and shininess was the envy of all my friends.

You grew past my shoulders and down my back in long lovely tresses.
Up, down or braided it didn’t matter. All styles were successes.

Sure, there’s been tangles and knots but we worked them all out on the way
You weathered being flattened by hats, burned by curlers and covered in spray.

Emerging curly and bright you framed my face when I was a lovely young bride
Craig loved you and ran his fingers through you with pride.


The years passed and we settled into a rhythm of cut, grow, cut, grow,

For the last 20 years we finally settled on a style that goes with the flow.

At some point I noticed a hint of grey but it didn’t really matter
You were still the same great hair, just a little less blacker.

In our favorite moments you’ve been blowing free in the wind on Cloud Nine.
Oh, we’ve had some times, haven’t we, this hair of mine?

Now, it’s time for you to go on a trip in your own way
The clipper and shears are waiting to take you away.


I’m not going to weep, although I may shed a few tears
Because you’ve been with me for so many good years.

I love you, I’ll miss you, that much is true.
But as long as I’m here, you will be too.

And I know you’ll be back when my body is on its way to repair
But for now, so braided, so styled, so curly, so short… so long hair!

Composed for me by my God-daughter, Gayle Huntress

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8 Responses to Ode to My Hair

  1. Becky Thompson says:

    Ahhhhhh, this captures it soooooooo wellllll! It IS such a part of us, living and breathing and mourning its loss. I guess maybe guys feel this too and maybe we women just brush over it. The IDEA of losing my hair made me sob. The day it actually started coming out was such a contrast. I had just gone rollerblading! imagine, and come home to shower and then it started. And I finally understood what “thinning hair” was like.

    I had seen “sickly chemo” heads, tho, and decided I was gonna wear my new style with pride. I pulled it all out and then shaved it with an electric shaver and rubbed some olive oil on it and voila!

    I noticed it was REALLY COLD having no hair. And I noticed how much my head would sweat, holy cow! And I noticed that I could be beautiful with no hair. And this, my Auntie, I have ALREADY noticed about you. You, without hair, in your cute hats, even your cute bald head, no matter what its shape, are beautiful!

    Love u! Becky

    • Tammi says:

      Sigh…..hard to believe you already experienced this when you were so young. And you did rock that bald is beautiful look. I’m not so sure about me. Time will tell. I’m still shocked when I encounter my uncovered head reflected in a mirror.

  2. Beth says:

    That was beautiful. I can’t wait to hear from the Sisterhood (the other women who have gone through this already). Thanks for chiming in, Bec.

    Can’t wait to see it!

    • Tammi says:

      Love the new banner photo. Nice to see myself with HAIR & you and Roy at SJ’s wedding.

  3. cristina says:

    i loved the ode and i loved the photos. and i guess that while your hair is hibernatiing, maybe in the meantime you could go nuts with a bunch of new looks like… i don’t know….. one of those cleopatra headresses? i always wanted to wear one of those – in gold hahaha…. 🙂 bet your head feels pretty light now – mine always does whenever i get a cut. well, i don’t know. some guys actually shave their heads on purpose! imagine, NO maintenance! one less thing to fuss about temporarily. and it IS temporary. you are beautiful, tammi 🙂

    • Tammi says:

      I’d been thinking of that Cleopatra headress I keep on the boat for ‘special occassions’. This might be one of those Special Occassions. Think it is out in Cloud Nine’s portside V-berth pocket. Will have to send someone out to check.

  4. Cindy says:

    Oh, Tammi, this is so sweet, written from the heart of one who knows and loves you. Amazing how our hair means so much to us, especially women, but in reality is so insignificant. Your soul and spirit and humor and humility dwarf any brown (or grey) follicles sprouting from your scalp. That said, I know it will be fun for you to see those little fuzzy hairs start to grow back this summer! Love you, Cindy

    • Tammi says:

      One week into the almost-no-hair ‘me’ and already I’m adjusting. Not so when I put up those photos & Gayle’s ode though. Felt a complete loss of self. Then Rosie turned up with a cute little blue silk/merino wool cap she had knit me. I kinda liked the way I looked in it – and, ta da…. I was over the hair thing. PLUS, the falling out hair had stopped littering the house and bed and bath, so everything was much more in control. And you know I love me some CONTROL! 🙂

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