On the Eve of Chemo #8

Sorry to have been so silent of late. Until today I’ve been feeling pretty feeble. Really, really tired – and prone to tears (yikes!). Today, suddenly, the sun came out – outside and inside – and I had energy and my spirits were perfectly fine. Phew!

Despite my funk, plenty of really nice things happened during the last week. Mika came over and did a relaxation meditation with Craig and me on Saturday – that was just wonderful. Picture the three of us in the living room, kicked back in recliners, ooming out. Really, really nice!  Thank you Mika!

Sunday afternoon we drove out to the Ginny and Tony’s at the lake for an early supper, along with Judy and Rene. A great time with wonderful friends – and the food was delicious.


Monday my babyhood and onward friend, Ruthie (Palmquist) and her husband Dick drove up from Massachusetts to spend time with us. What a treat to see them since while they are in the States on furlough. I was at my weepy best that day and hate to think of them returning to Canada with that image of me! And after they left Craig drove me to my weekly Foot Reflexology Massage with Katherine Windham. I think her work on my feet finally put the plug on the tears. After the massage I seemed to snap back into my usual self and Craig and I had an enjoyable evening talking about our visit with Ruthie & Dick and watching TV.

And today, I am glad to report, I woke a normal person. Went to the office and put in 5.5 hours of productive work and came home still feeling energetic.

Tomorrow’s Chemo is scheduled for 2:20 p.m. – unusually late, but nice because I can get some more work done at the office during the morning. Keep your fingers crossed for me that my blood work passes muster. I’d sure like to get Chemo #8 out of the way tomorrow!!!

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3 Responses to On the Eve of Chemo #8

  1. Bev says:

    You sound so kind of, um, normal! Sorry it is such misery when you feel down, but we will just be thankful for all the good days. Hope your blood work cooperates tomorrow and you will be really coming down the home stretch.
    Sending my love and prayers,

  2. Mika says:

    I felt honored to be with you WITH your tears and I’ll bet your other friends did too. I experienced you as feeling deep gratitude and also deep mourning. (I think the two things are always linked.) There is such integrity in that mix of feelings. It is a truly a privilege to be a part of that. (I would chose that over business as usual any day. I think our “normal selves” are highly overrated.)
    Big hug,

  3. cristina says:

    you just hang in there, girl. we are here even if we are not as close by as we would like to be. teary is okay, too. it washes away the cobwebs so that you can think clearly and see forward to the next step. who is normal anyway? 🙂

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