Return to Chemo

So, here we go again with chemo. I have to admit that last night the idea of starting chemo was making me unhappy. Not major unhappy….I just hadn’t wrapped my head around the fact that my ‘recovery vacation’ was over and Chemo Rules were going to be back in place. I’m not a public prayer person, so just let me say that God and I had a private chat. Woke up this morning feeling 100%. Hopped out of bed, picked out some summer clothes to wear (with an eye to looking sort of attractive), went for a neighborhood walk with Ballew and had a full chemo breakfast with Budwig Mix, sauteed calves liver, ALL my supplements, etc. Takesย  awhile to eat a chemo breakfast and certainly leaves me stuffed!

Then I read all the encouraging emails from you friends. Can’t believe you remembered the exact date that I was starting this! Thank you all. That sort of thing just sends me on my way whistling ๐Ÿ™‚

And, don’t you know, chemo was a piece of cake. Felt like I was returning to hang out with old friends for a few hours. The drip was just incidental. Returned home in mid-afternoon to find Cindy weeding my perennial beds after having left dinner for us on the porch. What a sweet heart! Tonight there is a gathering to honor the memory of our friend Roger and I’ll be in fine shape to attend with Craig. So glad!

It has been a long time since I have added photos to this site and May has been a month of many wonderful visits and events. Here are some photos from the beautiful month of May, 2012:

visit from our god-daughter, Gayle

We had some 'kitchen' time together.

These are my private RNs! Had a little tea party together.










Bev, my wonderful sister-in-law from Michigan















Stop by for a back porch visit some day!


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6 Responses to Return to Chemo

  1. Craig says:

    What a wonderful person you are Tam.

  2. cristina says:

    was thinking about you yesterday. so glad to hear that you are feeling strong and that the first day back went well. the weather is getting better and better. should help with one’s spirits (ours, too!) ๐Ÿ™‚ this weekend, the boating season “officially” starts. we will, hopefully, be headed to tangier island to see old friends. and you will, hopefully, continue to remain feeling strong and healthy. cloud 9 awaits!

    • Tammi says:

      Cloud Nine is in the thick of preparation! Hope to be out on the water in a few weeks time ourselves. Have fun at your 2nd home, Tangier Island! Hope all your old friends are there to greet you.

  3. Mary Meijaard says:

    Good to hear your first chemo day of the second session went well, and so good you added some pictures. And boy, would I like to bring you a back porch visit………
    Keep doing well Tammi!!!!!

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