Hair and a new scarf!

First you don’t hear from me…..for days, and then here I am just bursting with posts. OK, some if it is the steroids they include with the chemo, but why not put all that energy to some good use?!

Take a look at the scarf that came in today’s mail, gift from Dave Nelson’s mother, Lynda! Isn’t it gorgeous? It is called a ‘Potato Chip scarf’ and it has sparkles 🙂   What you might not know is that even on May 24th a scarf feels good! Not all the time, of course, but my bare neck is still used to being cloaked in hair and the stray draft from a window can chill it in a nano-second.
Also notice that I’ve grown some HAIR!
OK, ok, so you’re not all that impressed. You would be if you could feel it. It feels like duck fuzz. I can’t keep my hands off of it. Just about the time this ‘hair’ became noticeable, my eyelashes disappeared! Weird logic, this hair stuff. Eyebrows are about half way through their exit. Can’t seem to decide whether to stay or go.

MEANWHILE, it is finally starting to feel like boating weather. Our friend Barb has really inspired us by reminding me that she and I have successfully shared the V-berth at night and she’d be up for boating with us, helping with launching (hurrah!) AND the loading of the boat. She has already lugged a ton of stuff up from our basement that I have now stowed on the boat and tomorrow she returns to do more! Lake Champlain, here we come!

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7 Responses to Hair and a new scarf!

  1. Judy Hueber says:

    Tam-you look great, with or without hair, and that color blue is perfect with your eyes! You’re going to blast right through this round of chemo!

  2. Tammi says:

    Thanks for the encouragement, Jude!

  3. Paula Sperry says:

    You look radiant! When I shaved my head in college, I loved my hair at that stage: so soft and everyone kept petting my head! The scarf looks great.

  4. cristina says:

    i wondered if people were patting you on the head…. LOL! i got reminded of that funky thing they used to sell before that was a combination hood/neck warmer and then part of it came up to cover your mouth and nose as well. it was made out of fleece. your potato chip is much more attractive, of course 🙂 we’re underway right now headed SE. i don’t think we left early enough to get to tangier island unless we want to keep plugging along at night so we may stop at the little choptank. consuelo is a bit put out that she hasn’t been fed yet but since i don’t know what the plan is and it’s not like she will be anything close to skin and bones if one meal is a tad late, she can wait 🙂 i’m not going to ask what it’s like not to have eyelashes – i have NEVER had eyelashes worth a damn so i KNOW what it’s like 🙂

  5. Danielle says:

    Lookin’ good!

  6. Dave says:

    That SMILE!!!!! My mirror neurons are helpless to resist!!!

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