Chemo #2 (or #11 of 18)

Chemo went well again yesterday. Great group to chat with…the hours flew by. Felt better than I had in days, actually.

If I can keep the constipation in check (apparently constipation and chemo go hand in hand, but I haven’t discovered this till recently) I feel pretty decent. Tend to putter around, pulling a weed here and there, taking a walk. Hard to believe I was able to work 2+ days a week during my first chemo, though. That pace is way beyond me now. Is that what retirement does to you? If so, I am sure enjoying it!

Last week I decided to search through old favorites on our bookshelves to find my next book. Remember All Creatures Great and Small by James Herriot? It is just as good as when it came out in the ’70s. I can remember laying in bed late at night and laughing till I cried when his boss got behind the wheel of that little car with NO BRAKES and zoomed through a farmer’s yard, around the house and out the other side without meaning to. Then turning to Jim and reproaching him for not telling him the brakes needed work. (Jim had told him over and over again about the brakes, to no avail).

Got some good things coming up in the next days. Ripton Coffee House promises to be a great one this Saturday. And soon after that my high school girlfriends are coming to Vermont for our annual get-together! That’s a lot of fun coming up!!! You might not hear from me on this site for a little bit ๐Ÿ˜‰
I’ll post photos for you afterward!

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6 Responses to Chemo #2 (or #11 of 18)

  1. Mary Meijaard says:

    Hi Tam,
    Good to hear you did good during your 2nd chemo. Hope you can keep that up.
    Ad Turkenburg (Bato) recently started up a group for ex-Bato members. So many people responded that the idea has come up to organise a BATO-reunion at the end of this year. That would be so much fun. I think it must be about 10 years ago we had a BATO-reunion. Lots of pictures are posted on facebook and it brings back so many memories. Renรฉ and I watched the DVD (ex-film) last night that was made during our trip to the usa in 1981 with Bato. It brought back so many memories and we are whistling old Bato-songs while we do the dishes :-). My son was proud to see me play my solo :-). I love internet and (sometimes) facebook.
    How nice to have the time to read and to weed your garden, enjoy being retired.
    Love, Mary

    • Tammi says:

      Sure wish we had some of John’s movies shot during the summer of 1974 Band exchange in Haarlem! I used to love watching those. Remember his video camera that was so large he had it on a wheeled cart?

  2. cristina says:

    i am glad to hear that your #2 post surgery went well and that retirement suits you. we had a FABULOUS time in tangier island for the memorial day weekend holiday and then it was back to reality ugh…. today is friday and we are getting some weather here – rain, high winds, tornado watch, all that good stuff (not) and tom has to work tomorrow until noon but after that, we are out cruising again if only for one night. i loved the herriott books AND the TV series that was shown on PBS. siegfried was one of my favorite characters. the one good thing about moving back to MD was that we went back to consuelo’s old vet. he’s not quite as colorful as the characters herriott writes about he’s a pretty neat guy. i just hope that we don’t have to see him THAT often. after the last two urinary tract infections, her surgery and then falling off the bed and being lame for a couple of days, we are done with the vet for a while ๐Ÿ™‚

    • Tammi says:

      Thanks for the Tangier report! Should have known you would be a fellow Herriot fan.
      Consuelo fell off the bed?! Yikes.
      Yep. Colorful or not, I prefer to not seem Ballew’s vet much. OK to see him at hockey games but not so much at the hospital.

  3. Joan & Bob says:

    Hi Tammi & Craig,

    We missed you in Hardwick last weekend. It’s just not the same without our sharing of cruising stories and hype for the new season. But glad to hear you talking about cruising in your last post. And now you’re almost a quarter of your way through the next chemo program. More good progress! And your spunk and spirit cheer us!

    Very busy spring for us. I am sooooo overcommitted. Volunteer projects, art, garden, boat, planning for travel — all interesting and fun in themselves, but how to fit it all into the time we have!? Last fall, I signed up for a watercolor workshop in Newport for the last week of June. Bob suggested we sail up and hang on a mooring for the week. What I did not know then is that this is America’s Cup week! WHAT mooring???!!! We’re still planning to try. Maybe we’ll get lucky.

    Keep up your good work, Tammi. We’re keeping you in our prayers and wishing you some boating this summer.

    Love ya!

    Joan & Bob

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