Round 1, Treatment 2

Tammi has her second chemo treatment today, 10:40am.  I’ll try to get an update when I speak with her, but I did talk to her briefly yesterday while she was a work.  And she seems to be tolerating the treatment pretty well so far.  Happy to be able to report that.

Thanks again for all your comments and good thoughts!

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7 Responses to Round 1, Treatment 2

  1. Tammi says:

    I did tolerate today’s treatment well. Maybe next time they should dial back on the Benedril though. 8 hours later I’m still nodding off like the heroin addict in a bad movie. I was talking to Margaret, upstairs, on the phone around 4,..5…6:00 – heck, who knows! – and she started laughing her head off and said I sounded like I had had 4 or 5 martinis. Doesn’t make me want to start drinking martinis!

    BUT, I did have a good time. Several people were chemoing with me from last week and we got chattier. A LOT chattier, ’til the Benedril floated across my eyes & I crashed.

    Anyway, can’t see any reason to stay home tomorrow. Feel fine just now. Beth roars into town tomorrow night after work & we sure are looking forward to that.

    While I was at chemo, Craig was home with the Comcast Cable guys. Our house got re-everything: high-speed internet with wifi (more interior hooking up and tweeking to come), totally new phone system…..if you call & get the answering machine try leaving a message, but we aren’t sure that is all working properly yet & I’m in no shape to be reading directions. And updated TV DVR & remote that are now completely operational. SO……I’m going to go watch TV and see if the shows look better when I’m a little stoned :-\

    • Mary Meijaard says:

      Glad to hear you tolerate the treatment. And if there are people who will understand what you are going through, it will be the people who are there as well on Wednesday to have a chemo.

      Highspeed internet sounds good. Where would we be without internet Tam? Remember we sent eachother cassette tapes??
      Take care, love, René and Mary

  2. Becky Thompson says:

    Soooooo glad u are finding this to be okay so far :)) makes my heart sing :). Love u, Becky

  3. Nancy says:

    So glad to hear you are doing well with the treatments! This web site is a great idea. It is great to be easily able to see how you are doing. Love, Nancy

  4. Barb Pratt says:

    Tammi, both you and Craig are in our prayers. I’m just a holler away if you need anything, a ride, an errand to the store, or when spring gets here the lawn mowed.
    Warren says he’s the reason no snow!! New snowblower hasn’t even been out of the shed!!! Like the choice of wigs. No reason for a bad hair day now!! bbp

  5. cristina says:

    what? you don’t like being stoned? LOL… hi-speed and wifi! i am telling you – you will never go back to the old ways 🙂 i am so glad that the chemo is going well, tammi. do not fight the Benadryl so hard – you are SUPPOSED to rest so that you can keep up your intrinsic defenses. i don’t know about you but one martini would have put me out completely. 4 or 5? hahaha…… no wonder they call it “happy” hour 🙂 so keep up the good work, tammi!

    • Beth says:

      I’m sitting here with Tammi, reading this comment to her, who is yelling “Cristina wrote?!?!? Tell her I’m hollerin’ out across the room, that she hadn’t seen you one the site yet, and was missing you. The ‘high’ of yesterday seems to have worn off, and today it’s afghan and recliner.” I’ve found your other comment for her too. We’re good here!

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