Author Archives: Beth

Written by Tammi (of course)

MIDDLEBURY – Tammi Goddard – Anne Ruth Thompson was born on May, 5, 1946 in Detroit, Michigan and raised by her parents, Rev. and Mrs. Ruth (Figge) and Thomas E.  Thompson. She graduated from Detroit Central High School during the … Continue reading

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Post-doctor visit

We had a great visit with the surgeon today.  She removed the staples and replaced them with steri-strips.  The incision looks great (I predict it will be a very thin white line scar) with no swelling or sign of infection.  … Continue reading

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It’s a snore-fest ’round here…

After all those quick posts on Wednesday, there has been a dearth of postings since then, and I have received comments to that effect.  The problem is, of course, that it’s boring!  When healing from major surgery, boring is exactly … Continue reading

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The Day After Surgery

It’s been a heck of a day for the Goddards we love.  Tammi is doing well (if by “well” you understand that she is exceeding everyone’s expectations and such).  (insert eye-roll here)  She has a little hearing loss in one … Continue reading

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Anne says:

“I feel great!! Wednesday April 25, 2012 is getting to be one of my favorite dates.”

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Quick Surgery Update

From Craig: “I just spoke with doctor Everett by phone from the operating room, she said “good news everything looks great in here” no evidence of cancer implants, she has examined the liver and believes it is ok! My understanding … Continue reading

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Retirement Begins with Cake!

As you can imagine, Retirement (like summer vacation) doesn’t really feel like it kicks in until that Monday morning when you have blissfully nothing whatever to do.  But the official start of it all begins with cake.  Thanks to Judy … Continue reading

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Results of the CT scan

I meant to post yesterday (sorry, Mika!), but life got busy.  But the CT scan results continue to be positive news. Craig says: “I thought yesterday’s CT was as good as it could have been. Thank all of you for … Continue reading

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Drum roll, please!

Yes, the moment you’ve all been waiting for has arrived.  Actual, measurable, irrefutable GOOD NEWS! Tammi got her CA-125 test results back today.  For those of you who need a small history lesson, the CA-125 test measures an indicator of … Continue reading

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Note from Tammi —

Just got an email from our girl.  Here’s what she said: Chemo #7 NAILED More later. Off to bed now, yawn Love, Anne/Tammi (…so that’s good, huh?) 🙂

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