Author Archives: Beth

Round #1, Chemo #6

Another round of chemo down the hatch.  We are 2/3 of the way done now, folks!  And doing pretty well, frankly. Had a happy chat with Tammi this evening, and even though she’s feeling zonked today, overall her body seems … Continue reading

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da Vinci Robotic Surgery

Tammi may have her surgery done using the da Vinci robot.  Her surgeon specializes in this type of surgery.  Beverly, Tammi’s sister-in-law and RN, has actually seen it in person.  Here are her thoughts: I am familiar with the da … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 1 Comment

Round #1, Chemo #5 – Looks Like We Made It

(Every once in a while strange thoughts pop through the ol’ bean, like: “Hmmm, I wonder, if I always included a Barry Manilow song title in my posts…would anyone even notice?” Ah, but that’s for another day.) Because we DID … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 13 Comments

Chemo Update (#4)

Hi everyone.  Beth here, with a quick update.  Yesterday, 2/22, was another chemo day (Round #1, Treatment #4, for those of you keeping score at home).  Got this note from Anne. “NOW- medical talk. I had a great chemo today. … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 9 Comments

We have a logo!

I’d like to thank the artist “eviscerates” at, who took my description of the Girl Parts Gone Bad, and came up with this gem.  My description: We’ve just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer, and we’re ready for the fight.  … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 3 Comments

Round 1, Treatment 2

Tammi has her second chemo treatment today, 10:40am.  I’ll try to get an update when I speak with her, but I did talk to her briefly yesterday while she was a work.  And she seems to be tolerating the treatment … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 7 Comments

Anyone wanna see the wigs?

Tammi sent pictures! “Just for the hoot of it, here are an array of photos taken while I was trying on those wigs. The Peanut Gallery (Craig and Ginny) kept up quite a commentary while they snapped photos. I had … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 6 Comments

Counting Our Blessings

As much as I hate cancer and as much as this diagnosis has a panic-inducing effect, there ARE blessings that occur because of this disease. We all do it…we get busy in our own lives, pulled in every direction—urgent here, … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 1 Comment

Surgery and wigs and taps…oh my!

Just had a nice conversation with Anne, who was preparing dinner and getting ready to go out for the evening, but she had time to recap the appointments they had Friday in Burlington.  And she sounded great! They met with … Continue reading

Posted in Updates | 4 Comments

Calling all pictures!

Hey everyone, If you have a favorite photo of yourself with Tammi, send it to me.  I’d love to put a different photo in the Header every so often, and I think it’d be a treat for Tam to see … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 2 Comments