Category Archives: Celebrations

Retirement Party

It was a perfect summer evening for a party. Sunny yet cool with a clear, hazeless view of the mountains from Debbie and Ray’s patio. It was great to be with my long-time friends from the office again and to … Continue reading

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Visit from Sarahjoy and Nate

The conclusion of Craig’s birthday celebration happened this weekend with the arrival of Sarahjoy (niece #3) and her husband, Nate.  They had been kind enough to stay home with their their colds on the weekend of the party – so … Continue reading

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Ode to My Hair

Oh, hair, lovely hair, you’ve been with me through thick and through thin You’ve been a constant presence on my head, a true friend you’ve been. Dark and thick, you appeared on my head shortly after birth And have been … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations | 8 Comments

A Visit from Hardwick!

Just imagine our pleasure when friends drove all the way up from Hardwick to spend Sunday with us! Previous to John and Linda’s arrival I had been having a low-energy, low appetite couple of days. Wondered if my red blood … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations | 7 Comments

What a Weekend! – Craig’s B-day, continued

Actually, Saturday night isn’t complete without a photo of the after-party hot tubbing.   Folks limped out of bed gradually come Sunday morning. Craig and I had talked about going to church, perhaps with Bev and Danielle – but soon realized … Continue reading

Posted in Celebrations | 2 Comments

What a Weekend! – Craig’s Birthday

Late Friday night (Feb 17) Bev, David & Danielle rolled in from Detroit! Said they enjoyed the ride – imagine that. Bev is the mother of Becky, Beth, Sarahjoy and David & the wife of my beloved brother, Tom, who … Continue reading

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