Category Archives: Day to Day

Hair and a new scarf!

First you don’t hear from me…..for days, and then here I am just bursting with posts. OK, some if it is the steroids they include with the chemo, but why not put all that energy to some good use?! Take … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 7 Comments

Happy Valentine’s Day

Had Craig snap a photo of me this a.m. just so you all could SEE just how very well I am right now. Talked with my Oncologist this morning, trying to get a bigger picture of the upcoming months and … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 7 Comments

Anyone wanna see the wigs?

Tammi sent pictures! “Just for the hoot of it, here are an array of photos taken while I was trying on those wigs. The Peanut Gallery (Craig and Ginny) kept up quite a commentary while they snapped photos. I had … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 6 Comments

Counting Our Blessings

As much as I hate cancer and as much as this diagnosis has a panic-inducing effect, there ARE blessings that occur because of this disease. We all do it…we get busy in our own lives, pulled in every direction—urgent here, … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 1 Comment

Calling all pictures!

Hey everyone, If you have a favorite photo of yourself with Tammi, send it to me.  I’d love to put a different photo in the Header every so often, and I think it’d be a treat for Tam to see … Continue reading

Posted in Day to Day | 2 Comments

We need a logo!

Well… we came up with a pretty sweet domain name (thanks Danielle!) and now we need a pretty sweet logo.  Looking for any ideas, designs, or concepts.  If you have any ideas, hit us up!

Posted in Day to Day | 2 Comments